Signing up for eStatements is easy and the service is free!
There are two easy ways to sign up. First, you can sign up online by following these steps:
- Log in to your FSB Online Banking.
- Go to the Home tab.
- Click on the Account that you wish to sign up for eStatements.
- Under the "Transfer In" and "Transfer Out" buttons in the top-right section of the page, there's a "Statements" link. Click on that.
- The eStatement Disclosure will load, and you'll need to read that carefully and agree to it.
- You would repeat these same steps for all of the accounts you wish to sign up.
Another way to sign up is by completing and printing the eStatement Disclosure and mailing it to or dropping it by any of our locations.
Please make sure that your spam filters are set to allow emails from Farmers State Bank so you'll receive emails regarding your statements, password updates and other important communications.
How do I access my monthly account statements?
Good question! First, you're going to log into your Online Banking account.
- From the Home page, under where it says "Money you can spend", you'll click on the name of the account for which you'd like your statement.
- This will retrieve that account's history. Right above your account activity, you'll see the word "Statements" - click on it.
- This will take you to the Statement Retrieval site. On the left-hand side of the screen is your last statement for this account, and on the right-hand side of the screen are the dates of the statements available for this account. Typically, the last two years of history are available.
- In the date window, you can use the drop-down box next to the account number to choose other online banking-linked accounts for statement retrieval.
- You can either download or print the statement according to your needs.
Please note that you should turn off any pop-up blockers in order to allow the statement retrieval site to load.
We recommend that, at least annually, you make sure that you have downloaded and/or printed all of your monthly statements for your records, since they aren't retained indefinitely. We typically are only able to keep 2 years of history on your online banking account.
If you have any questions about Farmers State Bank eStatements, please call us at (918) 469-3337.