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NOW Checking

If you maintain a balance in your checking account of $1,500.00 or more, the NOW Checking Account may be the one for you.

Deposit required to open: $100

Now Account Features:

  • 30 free checks per month, and all over 30 are $0.15 each
  • Your service charge is waived if the balance remains above $1,500.00* during the statement cycle.
  • If the balance falls below $1,500.00*, there will be a service charge of $12.00 per month and no interest will be paid. If you opt for eStatements, the service charge will be discounted to $8.50 per month.
  • For balances of $1,500.00* or more, you earn interest!**

* Interest is based on Actual Daily Balance.
**Variable interest rates are subject to change at our discretion.